Domino has found one of her favorite spots. The other one is on the top of the kitchen cabinets 12 feet up. I swear she was human in a past life. She really handled the drive out here well.
Happy Independence Day! We walked down to CVS on 9th St. Just past 6th Ave. and the heat is oppressive. Thank goodness the humidity is low.
My friend from High school John who lives a block away invited us to view the fireworks show over the Hudson on his roof, so we are excited about that. I "re-met" him on FaceBook many months ago and noticed his updates, which included maps of where he was at, happened to be where I was seeking a new home. Coincidence or fate, it really matters not. I am thankful for his hospitality and experience of the area. He did a data-dump on me yesterday so I now know the best bodega (corner store) to patronize and the trains NOT to take (no A train East).
I will take shots of the roof view and the fireworks and post again tonight, so visit back after the break.
Love from Brooklyn,
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